
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction …” James 1:27

Noah's Ark Children's Home

Being burdened to provide the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of Jamaican boys, Mack & Marilyn Locklear established the Noah’s Ark Children’s Home.

Our mission is to bring the hope of Jesus Christ, as we care for the orphans and the vulnerable children. We believe that Jesus is our only Hope and He is still the answer to every issue. Following Jesus’ simple formula of making disciples who in turn make disciples we see the Kingdom begin to multiply. As our passion for serving Jesus in Jamaica is burning within our hearts, we hope this fire will spread to every nation until all peoples hear the gospel.

Matthew 25:40 says, “…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.” We began our ministry at Noah’s Ark Children’s Home following God’s calling on our lives to serve the “least of these”. We believe we are His hands and His feet in physical form to bring the necessities of life to these precious abandoned children but most importantly they see and hear about the love of Jesus Christ.


Riverside Baptist Church

While visiting the people of Martha Brae, Brother Mack met with a lady who had been praying that God would plant a church in her village. Through the ministry of Mack & Marilyn Locklear, God has done just that. 

Come and worship with us!
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